Constellation + Homeopathy Session

What is a Constellation?

Good health (emotional, spiritual, mental, or physical) is the free flow of expansive energy.  Poor health is the contraction, stagnation, and blockage of energetic flow.

One reason energy contracts is due to unconscious energetic patterns of entanglements, secrets, imbalances, and unreconciled ancestral/intergenerational patterns carried on behalf of our family systems.

Bert Hellinger, the founder of modern Constellations, observed that it was possible to bring to light that which we are carrying unconsciously for our family system through a process of energetic representation called Constellations.  When we do so, we are able to see the patterns in a larger context, and then restore harmony, alignment, and order to that which is revealed to be disordered in the system.  We have the insight into the next right step to restore the entire system to a higher level of consciousness.

Constellations can heal (‘restores wholeness’) not only our pattern, but the past, and with it, our future. 

This beautiful and therapeutic energy process is called the New Family Constellation practice and has scientific alignment with quantum physics, phenomenology, morphogenic fields, quantum thinking, the observer effect, biocentrism, Albert Einstein’s Perspective, inherited programs, epigenetics, and quantum entanglement.

As Bert Hellinger observed: there is a loving solution to every problem.  In other words, there is always a solution that will expand the amount of love and light that a system can carry. Constellations are equally effective for health issues, relationship problems, work or professional situations, etc.

How does a Constellation + Homeopathy Session work for the Client?

A constellation begins with an Intake Session: a preliminary conversation in which a client identifies the issue or symptom to be constellated, and explores the related situational factors with Norma, the facilitator (eg, when the symptom began, preceding life events, entangled family members, historical dynamics and meta movements, etc). 

During the constellation gathering, the client will choose group members to take the role of representatives of the client’s family, partner, coworkers, or whomever they have had relational conflicts with.  With the help of the facilitator, the representatives are guided to explore the essence of the family energy field, identify the blockages, and reveal that which is essential to be seen and harmonized.

Constellation movements are rooted in deep love and carry the intent to restore wholeness and foster a reverence and honor for the family system which is deeply healing for the self, the ancestors, and the descendants. 

After the conclusion of the movement, a homeopathic remedy that encompasses the theme of the constellation will be administered to the entire group using a Bali sound bowl. 

How does a Constellation Work for the Representative?

Because everything is interconnected, when a root pattern within a client is restored to flow, it impacts everything else - including subsequent generations of the client’s children, their ancestors, and entire family lineage - PLUS the self and family system of the Constellation representative.

There are no coincidences in energy healing.  In ways we do not yet understand, representatives represent energetic patterns which are incomplete or resonant within their own system. 

Representing within a constellation offers the powerful and unique experience of healing one’s own entangled energetic patterns through the embodied experience of healing another’s system.  Our own patterns and lineages are catalyzed, integrated, and healed through the act of representing and healed through the act of supporting the client.  

By Norma Van Horne
Image: Hassaan Here

World Homeopathy Day: April 10th

Happy Birthday Dr. Samuel Hahnemann!

Every year on April 10th, homeopaths sit down to reflect or write or post. It’s a big day for us.

Last night i was thinking of what I wanted to write, and it felt more like an ode this year. An ode to homeopathy, an ode to Hahnemann, and ode to healing, an ode to all practitioners everywhere, and to all inventors everywhere.

Hahnemann was a physician, but he was also a thinker, and explorer, a tinkerer, a chemist and an inventor. He was also an incredible humanitarian. He, like many people who innovate, ‘discovered’ homeopathy out of a desire to help others heal. What he saw in his time, was that medicine was brutal. Mostly people died from the procedures themselves. So, when the glimmer of the idea of the law of similars revealed itself to him, and he started to explore the wonder of homeopathy, he did so with the intention of healing without harming.

That is still our credo as homeopaths and physicians today. Do no harm. For homeopaths, a step further. The gentle, rapid cure, is what Hahnemann guided us.

Today, not a day goes by that I don’t think about homeopathy. Not a day goes by that I don’t marvel in its true wonder and power. It continues to fascinate me, The history fascinates me, the clinical experience fascinate me, the remedies themselves fascinate me. But what is the most interesting, is how the medicine is evolving and changing, stretching to fit modern disease. Amazing! Practitioners who work with homeopathic medicine see this too. We are all in awe. Homeopathy is truly the medicine of the future. It is going by many names today: Immunotherapy, Low dose immunotherapy, Nanomedicine. Those are all just new words for what has been here since the mid-1700’s. Homeopathy. And before that, since the time of Hippocrates, the Law of Similars.

So, on this day, Hahnemanns’ birthday, I say thank you. Thank you Samuel Hahnemann for being born, so that you could dedicate your life the discovery of this system of medicine that has endured, evolved and healed millions throughout time. Happy Birthday.

The Art of the Follow-up Appointment

You might be wondering how to get the best results from homeopathy?

Many people think a practitioner prescribes a highly individualized remedy, and then all is done. But homeopathy is not like allopathy - where you might visit a physician’s office, have them review your symptoms and make a prescription, and then you may have little contact with that physician again - unless you’re still feeling bad.

One of my teachers once said, the getting the ‘right’ (or most individualized/accurate prescription) is only 10% of the case. The rest is management.

That’s right - the rest is case management.

For practitioners of homeopathy, and other forms of complimentary medicine, case management is key to the resolution of symptoms, and seeing a person all the way to the full picture of health. This method is counter-intuitive to our society’s way of believing that you are given a pill and then the symptom should resolve, and that’s it.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s immune system to heal itself. In my practice, in an intake appointment, we review the entire health history and look at every current symptom (both physical and emotional/mental) in detail. We create a complete picture of the symptoms, including, intensity/frequency/duration of each. This way, as the case progresses, we are both able to agree that we are seeing progress, as symptoms resolve.

In homeopathy we have many tools. Constitutional remedies, acute remedies, musculo-skeletal remedies, intercurrent remedies, mental/emotional remedies. The art of the follow-up requires the practitioner to work with the client in an active partnership, over a period of time, to remove layers from a case, as the person moves towards resolution of symptoms - or, homeostasis.

So, how do you get the best results from homeopathy?

  • Be committed to the process of healing
    Know that you are an active participant in your own health. Symptoms that took years to acquire, can take some time to resolve.

  • Commit to the follow ups
    People who commit to regular monthly follow ups for AT LEAST six months, see much better results

  • Be curious about the process
    Ask questions, read about homeopathy - it is a fascinating system of medicine!

  • Be highly observant of yourself
    Keep a journal of what you notice about yourself - homeopathy can be many things at once: subtle and fast-acting. People typically notice that symptoms “fall away'“, or that they feel more in balance overall, both physically and mentally.

In health,