World Homeopathy Day: April 10th

Happy Birthday Dr. Samuel Hahnemann!

Every year on April 10th, homeopaths sit down to reflect or write or post. It’s a big day for us.

Last night i was thinking of what I wanted to write, and it felt more like an ode this year. An ode to homeopathy, an ode to Hahnemann, and ode to healing, an ode to all practitioners everywhere, and to all inventors everywhere.

Hahnemann was a physician, but he was also a thinker, and explorer, a tinkerer, a chemist and an inventor. He was also an incredible humanitarian. He, like many people who innovate, ‘discovered’ homeopathy out of a desire to help others heal. What he saw in his time, was that medicine was brutal. Mostly people died from the procedures themselves. So, when the glimmer of the idea of the law of similars revealed itself to him, and he started to explore the wonder of homeopathy, he did so with the intention of healing without harming.

That is still our credo as homeopaths and physicians today. Do no harm. For homeopaths, a step further. The gentle, rapid cure, is what Hahnemann guided us.

Today, not a day goes by that I don’t think about homeopathy. Not a day goes by that I don’t marvel in its true wonder and power. It continues to fascinate me, The history fascinates me, the clinical experience fascinate me, the remedies themselves fascinate me. But what is the most interesting, is how the medicine is evolving and changing, stretching to fit modern disease. Amazing! Practitioners who work with homeopathic medicine see this too. We are all in awe. Homeopathy is truly the medicine of the future. It is going by many names today: Immunotherapy, Low dose immunotherapy, Nanomedicine. Those are all just new words for what has been here since the mid-1700’s. Homeopathy. And before that, since the time of Hippocrates, the Law of Similars.

So, on this day, Hahnemanns’ birthday, I say thank you. Thank you Samuel Hahnemann for being born, so that you could dedicate your life the discovery of this system of medicine that has endured, evolved and healed millions throughout time. Happy Birthday.